Self-calibrating χ-separation using single-subject (N=1) physics-constrained deep learning.
Benslimane I, Grabner G, Hametner S, Jochmann T, Zivadinov R, Schweser F
15th Annual Buffalo Neuroscience Research Day, Buffalo, NY, 2022
Benslimane I, Grabner G, Hametner S, Jochmann T, Zivadinov R, Schweser F
Joint Workshop on MR phase, magnetic susceptibility and electrical properties mapping, Lucca, Italy, 2022
Benslimane I, Grabner G, Hametner S, Jochmann T, Zivadinov R, Schweser F
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2022, p. 370
Benslimane I, Grabner G, Hametner S, Jochmann T, Zivadinov R, Schweser F
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Imaging (AICI) Forum, Graz, Austria, 2022
Mir S, Salman F, Jakimovski D, McGranor C, Zivadinov R, Schweser F
Joint Workshop on MR phase, magnetic susceptibility and electrical properties mapping, Lucca, Italy, 2022
A Pipeline for the Determination of the Iron Microstructure Coefficient (IMC) from MGRE Data.
Mir S, Salman F, Schweser F
15th Annual Buffalo Neuroscience Research Day, Buffalo, NY, 2022
Benslimane I, Jochmann T, Zivadinov R, Schweser F
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2021, p. 330
Yanis Taege, J. Hagemeier, N. Bergsland, M. Dwyer, B. Weinstock-Guttman, R. Zivadinov, F. Schweser
NeuroImage, 2019
Non-invasive Investigation of the Compartmentalization of Iron in the Human Brain
F. Schweser, J. Sedlacik, A. Deistung, J. Reichenbach
SIAMESE-TWINS: Quantitative Kartierung von Eisen und Myelin im menschlichen Gehirn
Ferdinand Schweser, A. Deistung, Bw Lehr, J. Reichenbach
F. Schweser, A. Deistung, K. Sommer, J. Reichenbach
SEMI-TWInS : Simultaneous Extraction of Myelin and Iron using a T 2 *-Weighted Imaging Sequence
F. Schweser, A. Deistung, B. W. Lehr, K. Sommer, J. Reichenbach
Non-linear evolution of GRE phase as a means to investigate tissue microstructure
F. Schweser, A. Deistung, D. Güllmar, M. Atterbury, B. W. Lehr, K. Sommer, J. Reichenbach