MR Biophysics Lab

Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center


Biparametric Joint Label Fusion

This is an extension of the original Advanced Normalization Tools Joint Label Fusion (JLF). The original version only allows segmenting regions using single-contrast atlases, while this extended JLF version is capable of single and dual- contrast segmentations, such as using T1-weighted images and quantitative susceptibility maps.
Repository - Unix


BrukerSky is a modular MATLAB-based database and reconstruction system for Bruker data. BrukerSky automatically creates bash scripts for all reconstructions. These scripts can either be executed manually, providing full control of the execution, or automatically.


Homogeneity Enabled Incremental Dipole Inversion (HEIDI) is a dipole inversion algorithm for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). The algorithm consists of an underregularized LSQR-based iterative solution with data-integrity constrained weighted total variation post-processing.


The Pipeline for Super Simple Serial Slurm (pi4s) is a super-simple Bash-based pipeline for Slurm. The pipeline submits Slurm jobs with proper dependencies between consecutive jobs, ensuring that pipeline jobs start in the right order.
Repository - Bash

Subvoxel-shift correction

Determine subvoxel shifts between two similar 3D image volumes and correct the shift based on the Fourier Shift Theorem.
Repository - Matlab